Monday, February 6, 2017

Pretty Print JSON and XML from Mac OS Command Line


Must have Python 2.6 or higher version installed.

From Clipboard

After copying unformatted JSON to clipboard (ctrl+c), run this:

pbpaste | python -m json.tool

From File

After saving unformatted JSON to a file called, for example, ugly.json, run this to write it to a file called pretty.json:

cat ugly.json | python -m json.tool > pretty.json


From Clipboard

After copying unformatted XML to clipboard (ctrl+c), run this:

pbpaste | xmllint --format -

pbpaste | xmllint --format -

From File

After saving unformatted XML to a file called, for example, ugly.xml, run this to write it to a file called pretty.xml:

cat ugly.xml | xmllint --format -o pretty.xml -

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