Monday, July 11, 2016

Signing a PDF Document With Adobe Reader

You can sign a PDF document using a signature created by Adobe Reader or you can scan in your actual signature and re-use it for any documents that need signing.  You can even create multiple versions of your signature.  Here's how.

1. Download and install Adobe Reader if you haven't already.

2. Open the document in Adobe Reader and select "Fill & Sign" in the right sidebar.

3. Select "Sign" in the toolbar at the top.  If you haven't created a signature yet, it will prompt you for one.  Let's assume you haven't created one yet.

4. Write a signature.  Using the selections at the top, you can type it, draw it with your mouse, provide a scanned image of your signature, or even use your laptop camera to scan one in that you wrote on a piece of paper.  When you're done, select "Apply".

5. Your signature will appear on the document.  Move it where you want with your mouse and click when done.

6. A box will show around the signature with a handle in the lower-right corner that you can drag to make the signature bigger or smaller.  When it's sized they way you want, click somewhere outside the box.  Don't worry if you don't get it right.  You can adjust the size and location by clicking on the signature again.  Changing the location is as simple as placing the mouse cursor inside the box until a cross-haired cursor appears, then clicking and dragging the signature where you want.

7. Once you have clicked outside the box another cursor appears allowing you to place printed text anywhere on the page, for example a printed name or date.  Move the cursor where you want to type and click.  A box will appear for you to enter text into.  You can change the size of the text by clicking on the smaller or larger "A" above your text.

8. When everything looks right, save the document or select Save As to save it as another name.

9. Now you can send an email back to the requestor and attach the saved document with your signature.

Creating PDF Documents With Signatures

Creating a PDF document with a place for a signature is easy.  This example shows how to do it with Microsoft Word.  It's just as easy in Google Docs.  Just 3 steps.

1. Create the document in Microsoft Word or some other word processor that can save as PDF.  You can use Google Docs too.

2. Save it as a PDF.

In Word, navigate to Save As... > PDF.

In Google Docs, navigate to File > Download as > PDF Document (.pdf)

3. Email it with instructions on how to sign it.

YouTube 5.1 Channel Audio Fail in Browsers

Ignore any blog posts or YouTube videos that claim to show you how to play 5.1 surround from YouTube videos in a browser. They don’t work. A...