Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Not Great: Yahoo Developer Network (YDN)

Here are some reasons why:

1. The Yahoo Developer documentation website takes forever (minutes) to display, if it even does. Mostly it doesn't and this is what you'll see instead:

Maybe they could spin up a second server to host their website so more than a dozen people can access it at a time. Or is that more than the number of developers interested in building Yahoo apps?

2. You can't set or change API permissions on your application after you've created it. This is what the page looks like if you haven't selected API permissions when you set it up.

When you select the "Update" button, it says "updating..." then comes back with the happy message "Your application has been successfully updated." Updated with what? It never gave me any options to select. It's not a big deal to delete the app and start over again, but it's not obvious either.

3. No support. There doesn't seem to be any place to let them know that their YDN server (servers?) is (are?) not displaying content, nor do they ask for feedback. There's a FaceBook page and a Twitter account where you could presumably post a message or a tweet, but really?

Build stuff, ignore feedback...where have I seen that before? Oh yeah, the big Detroit automakers until the Japanese showed them how to build better cars. Buy some copies of The Machine That Changed The World and learn about lean manufacturing, Yahoo. Better yet, read up on Agile Development; you know, that thing that all the successful software businesses are doing?

Hmmm... I wonder why Yahoo is divesting itself of its web businesses.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Show Hidden Folders in Finder

Show Specific Folder

Mac OS X hides many directories so they can't be seen in Finder even though you can navigate to them in Terminal.
To make a hidden directory visible in Finder, open a Terminal window and enter:

sudo chflags nohidden DIRECTORYNAME

DIRECTORYNAME is the directory you want to unhide.  This will also unhide all child directories of that directory.

To hide the directory from Finder:

sudo chflags hidden DIRECTORYNAME

For more, see How to view Root directory and subdirectories in Finder?

Show All Hidden Folders

You can show all hidden folders in Finder by opening a Terminal window and entering the following:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
killall Finder

The "killall Finder" command kills finder which then restarts automatically.  The alternative to issuing this command is logging out and logging in again.

To hide them all again:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO
killall Finder

You can also use AppleShowAllFiles TRUE or FALSE.

For more, see How to show hidden files and folders in Mac OS X Finder

YouTube 5.1 Channel Audio Fail in Browsers

Ignore any blog posts or YouTube videos that claim to show you how to play 5.1 surround from YouTube videos in a browser. They don’t work. A...